Flail Mowing Services

Are you in need of professional flail mowing services?

Do you manage a site or property which is too small for a traditional tractor and flail to operate? Or has really limited, narrow access?

Maybe you have protected species onsite and need vegetation to be cut higher than a traditional flails maximum setting?

Then our micro machine might just be the answer!

We’ve fitted out our micro tracked loader with a heavy duty front mounted flail mower. This is fully height adjustable up to 1m and can tackle dense stands of bramble.

It’s on tracks for low ground pressure and can squeeze between trees, garden gates and solar installations.

Here it is completing the last corner of a 3 acre field. Look at the cut vegetation in the background. That was completed with this machine! 

It might be small but the finish is just as neat and effective as a traditional flail on a 6 tonne tractor with no loss of quality in the cut!

Plus it is delivered with operative to site in a single van, no need for a trailer or low loader, so no disruption to neighbouring properties!

Flail mowing is perfect for rough grass and overgrown sites, where even a rough-cut lawn mower will struggle.  Our flail mower will chop any dense vegetation into a short mulch, unlike strimming which will leave dense clumps of cut vegetation in situ that will need collecting up so not to rot the grass buried underneath.

If this looks just the ticket for your site or property then drop us a message or call 01772 731404 and let’s have a chat about its capabilities.