Company Showcases Habitat Services at CIEEM Summer Conference
- July 25, 2016
- Posted by: admin
- Category: Company News

Company Showcases Habitat Services at CIEEM Summer Conference.
Contract Ecology Ltd were delighted to showcase their extensive portfolio of ecological contracting and habitat services at the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) Summer Conference held recently at The Studio in Birmingham City Centre.
The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Linear Infrastructure and Biodiversity: Impacts and Opportunities’.
The event was attended by over 200 delegates from the ecological industry and included papers such as ‘Mitigating impacts on sensitive habitats using seed harvesting and turf translocation’ and ‘Designing Effective Green Bridges’.
Visitors to the Contract Ecology stand had the opportunity to partake in a competition to win a Husqvarna toy chainsaw in tribute to our habitat enhancement services. To enter delegates had to tell us which size of pitfall trap they felt was the most appropriate to use when translocating great crested newts.
It was a very interesting experiment and raised a great level of debate within the industry but our medium pitfall trap which our experts recommend for mitigation sites with hard ground conditions such as quarries and old colliery sites just pipped the top spot over our standard large pitfall trap! Our special order mini pitfall traps finished third favourite.
Thank you to all who entered. The winner, Andrew from Amey, was picked out on stage at the end of the conference by CIEEM President Stephanie Wray. Many congrats to Andrew.
If you would like to chat to one of our team with regards to your ecology, mitigation or habitat creation requirements give us a call on 01772 731404